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S60 Handy tips Nokia Mobiles

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Some Handy Tips.

Tips / undocumented functions:

- At the top of the main-menu and every folder, the keys 1 to 9 are shortcuts to the icons 1-9

- A shortcut on the left menukey in standby-mode will take more time to open than a shortcut on the right menukey. Reason: The left key is also used for the keylock so it shortly waits for pressing the * button.

- While writing text press and hold "#" to switch between Alpha mode and Number mode. You can also press a key long to insert its number.

- In standby-mode, press and hold 0 to launch your wap home page.

- If you have your keylock activated just press the on/off button to turn on your backlight to look at the time when it's dark without having to unlock the keypad.

- To keep the backlight on, run Torch (freeware), press and hold the Menu button and go somewhere else on the phone.

- To check your current firmware version simply type *#0000# in standby screen.

- To check your IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) type *#06# in standby screen.

- To check your Bluetooth device address type *#2820# in standby screen.

- Start up in Safe Mode (no 'auto start' apps will be running): Hold down the pencil key when you turn on the phone and hold it on until you have to enter your PIN code.

- Format the phone memory by typing *#7370# in standby screen.

- In standby mode,
45# + dials the number on your sim in memory slot 45.
50# + dials slot 50 and so on.

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