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Digia@Web v2.0.2.1 S60v5 Finger Friendly Web Browser Nokia Mobile Software

Monday, January 4, 2010

Now available for S60 5th Edition Digia @Web is the best choice for surfing the web. It boasts a full finger touch UI and renders the web as it is intented using the state-of-the-art webkit browser engine. Now available as beta @Web for S60 is already a versatile browser providing direct page control with finger, multiple browser windows, url auto-complete and automatic full screen browsing.

Browser UI features

* Full finger touch UI
* Accelerated panning
* Automatic full screen browsing via auto-hiding controls
* Multiple browser windows
* Page rotation for portrait and landscape browsing
* Multiple zoom levels
* Password manager
* Intelligent Bookmark functionality (auto-sorting)
* Bookmark folders
* Bookmark favicons
* URL auto-complete (from history)
* ‘Page loading in progress’ indicator
* Text select for copy/paste
* RSS feeds

Browser Engine features

* HTML 4.01
* True web page rendering
* JavaScript(tm) 1.5
* HTTP 1.1 with support to secure and non-secure browsing
* HTTP cache
* HTTP cookies
* AJAX support
* Flash content support
* Netscape compatible Plug-in interface

@Web uses the webkit engine of the Qt 4.5 platform. Other users of the webkit browser engine include Apple Safari browser, iPhone, Google Android and Nokia S60 browser. Digia will contribute source code modifications of the webkit engine to open-source.
Supported Devices

S60 5th Edition phones, for example:

* Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
* Nokia 5320 XpressMusic
* Nokia N97
* Samsung i8910 HD
* SonyEricsson Satio

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