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Wireless Mobile Networking over WLAN, 3G

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Software: Telexy Network Commander (SymNC) for S60 3rd and 5th.
Developer: www.telexy.com

Telexy Network Commander is the most powerful Networking Tool Collection for your Symbian S60 3rd and 5th edition phones. It contains all Telexy products integrated with Telexy Network Browser into a one easy to install and easy to use application.

* configure PPTP VPN Access points (SymVPN);
* share drives and folders (SymNAS);
* perform automatic local/network file synchronization (SymSync);
* play MP3 content directly from network locations (SymPlayer);
* browse network, map network shared folders to a local drive letters, manage local/network files and folders, open files (like pictures or office files) directly from network locations, etc...
* do it easily on touch panel devices (like Nokia N97 or Nokia 5800 XM);
* do it all securely and wirelessly;

Remote Desktop functionality for S60 5th phones also will be available soon (after SymRDP release).

Note: some features may not be available on all S60 editions. Use trial to evaluate.

Please have a look at How to Install, otherwise you may have a questions about installation.

A list of compatible phones.

For more information, latest versions, documentation, FAQ, discounts and more please visit www.telexy.com

Disclaimer: This download is for personal use (mobile phones) only. Kindly do not copy, modify, distribute or sell the whole or parts of this file without permission of the creator.


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