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Bluetooth SMS free nokia s60v3 software

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ever faced a situation when your phone is connected to your personal computer of laptop via bluetooth and you need to send a SMS to someone? Imagine, your cell phone being the other end of the room and you are sitting on your chair in front of your computer and you just don’t want to get all the way to the other side to get that phone. Or, what is your option when you want to send a SMS to your friend via your laptop computer? Or what about if you want an incoming SMS alert on your PC or laptop when your phone is connected to the PC? Are there really any easy, cheap option?

So far there was none and that is why I am making this post today because guess what? Sending SMS via your PC just got a whole lot easier and cheaper, free! Psiloc Blue Text is a premium SMS or short messaging service based application which will let you send SMS from your computer without any hassle through a very easy to understand and use graphical interface. While sending Bulk SMS is not really the work of this SMS but I can imagine a lot of Small and Medium sized business organization already using it to send their user base a cheap, Push based SMS from their office PC without incurring any cost.

For using this S60 based application Psiloc Blue Text efficiently, you will need a bluetooth device which can be anything of your choice. Most people nowadays are using Blue Soleil Bluetooths as it is both cheap and effective, plus it supports a wide range of operating systems of Symbian. All you gotta do is to install this symbian SIS application on your phone and the EXE application on your computer, then simply pair your phone to the computer using Bluetooth and voila you are done!

With Psiloc Blue Text you will be able to achieve efficiency in your work for sure! Some highlighted features of this mobile application are:

1. It provides you with an instant alert on the computer when an incoming SMS arrives (like an alert pops up when you are signed in MSN Messenger and a contact comes online)
2. If you click on that alert it will display that SMS on the PC, without you ever touching the phone.
3. If you want you can choose to reply to that SMS instantly via your PC or laptop, again without ever touching your Nokia symbian smartphone, PDA or even your Pocket PC.
4. Or, you can choose to just ignore that alert and check the SMS later on your phone at your SMS as it always keeps a back up of every SMS on your latest Nokia smartphones.
5. Easy navigation and smart one click disable/enable option.

Nifty eh? I know I always needed such an application for all my SMS related issues and solutions. Often I find myself doing some work on the computer at work and an incoming SMS disrupts all my concentration from the job at hand because I just have to get my phone from my pocket, unlock the keypad lock, click on Show to read the SMS which will lead me to the SMS Inbox of my smartphone and then finally click the Navigation select Key to read that SMS. Then if I want to send a reply I have to type the entire SMS via T9 Mobile Dictionary on or for some of you who does not use T9,I can imagine you clicking each button four or five times to get a single word!!!

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