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Active File free Nokia software for s60v3

Monday, May 3, 2010

ActiveFile is a FREE program to browse all folders and files in your mobile phone.

Key Features:

* File management with 2 panels (File manager similar to Total Commander). so, you can view one folder in the first tab and browse to another folder in the second tab

* File sorting by name, extension, uid, size, date, and ascending, descending
* Full file management with copy, move, rename, delete, make directory, make file, file properties, and set attributes
* Compress and decompress file using gzip format
* Modify the attributes of files and directories
* Quick check of available storage on your drives
* Allow multiple instances. So, you can launch ActiveFile more than 1 instance.
* Searching thru the directories
* View running processes, tasks, kernel objects, and display system information (phone info and network info)
* SMS creator tool to create SMS (fake SMS) and save it to a destination folder (Inbox, Drafts, Outbox, Sent folder) without using your sim card credit
* Capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG, and MBM format
* Memory monitor tool
* Have an option to access inbox files
* Add shortcut

What’s New:

* Fixed SMS Backup bug
* Fixed Fake SMS bug
* Fixed numerous other bug reports from previous version

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