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Monday, October 27, 2008

Squace — just my stuff!

Squace is all about your stuff in your phone - services, messages, links, or information that you need and want, regardless of device or provider. Send a message or share your stuff whenever you feel like it - for free.

Download for free at: www.squace.com


  • Is a new mobile Internet browser that drastically reduces loading time and clicking.

  • Has a unique user interface that divides the phone’s screen into many squares; each square represents a link to a site or service.

  • Enables surfing, searching, and sharing on ordinary phones, without typing.

  • Allows you to personalize landline Internet and bring it into the mobile world.

  • Uses common, open Internet standards; you can create sites in minutes, an Internet service in a few hours, and an intranet in a few days.

  • Drastically lowers barriers for content providers to go mobile—no new investments.

  • Is freeware for everyone.

  • Is completely network independent; it runs on any wireless network.

  • Make cheap international calls from your mobile phone*

    Now you can access your Rebtel account from your mobile phone. The uniquely phone-friendly, intuitive Squace interface lets you manage your account information, view your contacts, set up new local numbers on the fly, or just make calls.  With Squace, even your Rebtel address book of contacts is superior!

    * You can currently join Rebtel if you live in any of the countries.

Squace is simply next-generation interface and browser technology for mobile telephony. Squace makes mobile surfing fun and useful!

Click on "Get the mobile version" to see atozformobiles.blogspot.com example site:

Create a Squace site in just minutes.

Add background images, an icon, and design pages that you fill with billboard notes, grids articles, and RSS feeds. After a quick preview, tag and publish the site to make it accessible to other Squace users or only to yourself.

Jad File
Jar File

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