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Battery Timer Free Nokia S60v3 software

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

BatteryTimer shows remaining battery time to complete discharge. It can be installed on any S60 3rd device with 320×240 and 240×320 pixels screen resolutions while offering the control of operating time remaining to complete discharge, providing the estimated future date&time of the battery being completely discharged and presenting how long the battery holds its charge on average.

The iON provides data in three ways – the main application, the standby plug-in and dedicated power saver.


Provides information about:

* Operating time remaining to complete discharge,
* Estimated future date&time of the battery being completely discharged,
* How long the battery holds its charge on average,
* Numbers of full and partial charge/discharge cycles recorded by application.

Fast and handy access to remaining time at the home/standby screen.

Power saver with additional the ‘big’ battery levels percentages indicator, built-in system notifications (e.g. missed calls, messages, unread emails, current profile, keypad lock).

During the installation you will be prompted for accepting required installation on your device memory not an additional card (uses small amount of memory, about 150kb). It also needs background ‘Core’ process which must starts automatically each boot time and utilizes device CPU in less than 1% once per minute.

It takes a while for iON to provide first estimation after installation or reset (if there is a small battery usage it could take even a few days). In that case the application shows ‘calculation in progress’ instead of estimated values. The most accurate readings will be after 3-5 full charge/discharge cycles. So please be patient.

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Battery Extender Free nokia S60v3 software

Battery Extender helps you extend the standby time of your Series 60 smartphone by up to 30%.

A profile is a list of features you wish to change. The application comes configured with some recommended profiles but you can customise them to your needs.

Going away for a long weekend?

* Enable Battery Extender’s Max Battery profile. This turns on all the power saving features to their highest levelto give you the maximum battery performance.Going walking/running and want to be geo tagging your photos or mapping your route?
* Enable Battery Extender’s Outdoor sports profile. This will enable the maximum battery performance, saving energy on unneeded features, to stop the power hungry GPS receiver from completely draining your battery.Want to be using Google Latitude but not at the expense of a flat battery?
* Add Google Maps to the list of applications to close down when you battery level drops below 3 bars.Just want your phone to last longer?
* Use the Improved Battery profile to start only changing settings when the battery runs low

Currently Battery Extender will manage the following features:

* Backlight brightness
* Backlight timeout
* Screensaver timeout
* Bluetooth
* Autorotate
* Applications

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Babel Dictionary Free nokia S60v3 software

Babel Dictionary is a very simple and easy-to-use dictionary for mobile phones. Armed with the knowledge of translating between 10 languages this pretty tool uses internet connection to get fast result any time. You can play around with translating words in reverse direction in order to find the beauty of differenct languages and cultures. Sometimes it is just a funny way to spend your time.

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eRed free nokia S60v3 software

New small application for cyclic switching between running tasks by pressing the Red button. aRed works in background and is absolutely transparent to the user (invisible in tasks list). In the settings it’s possible to disable the autorun option.

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